What Should Boys Wear to Nail Their Senior Portraits?
The simple answer is that I'd like them to wear clothing that allows them to move freely, be comfortable, and reflect who they are as an individual.
Record Store Senior Shoot
I wanted to take a brief moment to reach out to the Class of 2023 (and beyond) to tell you that you can — and should— step outside the status quo for your senior session.
The Freedom of Solitude
It’s sensory overload, and my brain craves the peace and quiet of my own space. For me, these images capture the freedom of such solitude. We all need a place where we can think, dream, and heal.
How to Have An Awesome Session
The most important thing to remember during the session is just to breathe, and LET. IT. BE. Things are going to go wrong. Guaranteed. The baby might whine. And not stop whining. Or the kids might not want anything to do with the photoshoot and try and run away. These things happen. They are 100% normal and even expected. I am charged with photographing your family — in all its messy beauty. So just stop worrying and embrace the chaos. It’s literally the best advice I can give.
No Shoes Allowed.
After all, those are the moments that I remember as a parent of littles: booboo kisses, long snuggles, and soothing rocking sessions.
Anniversary Photoshoot in KC
But since the wrong girl turned out to be the right girl, I found myself contemplating once again that life is made in the little moments — the time in between — and that simple acts change the trajectory of our lives.
Wardrobe Colors for Your Skin Tone
It’s important because the colors we choose to wear can have a huge impact on our skin tones – pick the right one, we can glow; but grab the wrong one, and suddenly we’re a washed-out mess.
Bewitching Waters
This creek now has one more story to add to its noisy waters — the tale of four little boys with toes that eagerly reached for its cool embrace and the mother who loved them fiercely.
Photos as Time Capsules
But nine years later, those memories are smudged together to create a blurred picture of chaotic happiness and sleep deprivation.
But the details are missing.
That’s why photos are important.
Little Women
Looking at these pictures of sisters, though, makes me really miss mine. Don’t get me wrong, she’s still alive. In fact, I see her regularly and get an earful of her sarcasm and sass. But since her injury, it’s different. Gone are the days where we can flop on a sofa together and watch TV. Or try on each others clothes. Or crazy dance before hitting the bars. Or relax in the grass with some grass in Vondelpark.
A Little About Love
But the middle is beautiful in its routine and security. I call it the fuzzy slipper version of love, and its story is just as important as the beginning.
Styling Yourself with Color in Mind
Styling and color coordinating outfits can be one of the most stressful aspects of preparing for a photo session. While I work hand-in-hand with my clients to take the stress out of styling, I also wanted to provide a “how-to color” guide for those of you who want to understand the basics of color theory and why it has such a big impact on the final result.
My Battle with MG
Myasthenia Gravis is a neurological disorder. It causes fluctuating weakness of the voluntary muscles of the body and can include a drooping eyelid, blurred or double vision, slurred speech, difficulty chewing and swallowing, weakness in the arms and legs, and difficulty breathing.Symptoms can change from day to day—even hour to hour
Beauty & the Boulder
As a professional photographer, my number one concern is to make sure the client is happy, and I’ll be the first to admit, that sometimes, art takes a back seat to a shot list. Typically, it’s only after I have worked my way through different combinations and poses that I give myself the space to be truly creative.
A Little Miracle
Shortly after implantation, they heard a heartbeat. But like anyone who has gone through loss before, their excitement was tempered with caution. Mom describes the beginning of the pregnancy as grim and extremely emotional.
KC Brand Photography
Hayley Finch, the lead graphics designer and messaging strategist for hayleyfinch.com, reached out to me a few months ago to update the imagery on her website. With a clear vision of her brand — from color palettes to personality — we worked together to find Kansas City locations that lined up with that aesthetic.
A Picnic in Loose Park
The Covid-19 outbreak prevented this little one from getting newborn photos, so this session was all about Miss V and capturing the details of her toddlerhood — snuggles from mom and dad, a pink tutu’d bum, tiny feet and toes, perfectly long eyelashes, and of course, her pine cone obsession.
A Break in the Weather
When I photograph families with young children, I prefer to take them somewhere that has a built-in activity that will hold their attention. Whether it’s playing with rocks and sticks or climbing trees, I find that if the kids can stay active, they stay engaged. And that makes for natural-looking images.
My Mommy’s Wedding Dress
We’re holding Wedding Dress Mini Sessions in the studio until the end of June. So bring the wedding gown that’s just hanging in your closet, your little(s, and maybe a wedding portrait of you and your spouse, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Sessions are perfect for littles two years and older.
Portrait Photography in Kansas City
As I watched it pour, my hopes for a tranquil river for this portrait session disappeared. It was swirly, muddy and rushing much faster than its usual languid pace.