How to Have An Awesome Session
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

How to Have An Awesome Session

The most important thing to remember during the session is just to breathe, and LET. IT. BE. Things are going to go wrong. Guaranteed. The baby might whine. And not stop whining. Or the kids might not want anything to do with the photoshoot and try and run away. These things happen. They are 100% normal and even expected. I am charged with photographing your family — in all its messy beauty. So just stop worrying and embrace the chaos. It’s literally the best advice I can give.

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Anniversary Photoshoot in KC
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

Anniversary Photoshoot in KC

But since the wrong girl turned out to be the right girl, I found myself contemplating once again that life is made in the little moments — the time in between — and that simple acts change the trajectory of our lives.

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Bewitching Waters
Family Liz Davenport Family Liz Davenport

Bewitching Waters

This creek now has one more story to add to its noisy waters — the tale of four little boys with toes that eagerly reached for its cool embrace and the mother who loved them fiercely. 

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Photos as Time Capsules
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

Photos as Time Capsules

But nine years later, those memories are smudged together to create a blurred picture of chaotic happiness and sleep deprivation.

But the details are missing.

That’s why photos are important.

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A Picnic in Loose Park
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

A Picnic in Loose Park

The Covid-19 outbreak prevented this little one from getting newborn photos, so this session was all about Miss V and capturing the details of her toddlerhood — snuggles from mom and dad, a pink tutu’d bum, tiny feet and toes, perfectly long eyelashes, and of course, her pine cone obsession.

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