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A Break in the Weather
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

A Break in the Weather

When I photograph families with young children, I prefer to take them somewhere that has a built-in activity that will hold their attention. Whether it’s playing with rocks and sticks or climbing trees, I find that if the kids can stay active, they stay engaged. And that makes for natural-looking images.

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My Mommy’s Wedding Dress
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

My Mommy’s Wedding Dress

We’re holding Wedding Dress Mini Sessions in the studio until the end of June. So bring the wedding gown that’s just hanging in your closet, your little(s, and maybe a wedding portrait of you and your spouse, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Sessions are perfect for littles two years and older.

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Portrait Photography in Kansas City
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

Portrait Photography in Kansas City

As I watched it pour, my hopes for a tranquil river for this portrait session disappeared. It was swirly, muddy and rushing much faster than its usual languid pace.

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Kansas City Mother & Baby Photoshoot
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

Kansas City Mother & Baby Photoshoot

I love to celebrate that sacrifice through my photography. There is an exhausted — yet fulfilled — beauty to motherhood, and it deserves to be captured and memorialized.

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…with a Bit of Grunge
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

…with a Bit of Grunge

My instructions for this photo session were quite simple: artsy, a bit sexy, with no greenery or trees, and I think the area we selected fit the bill with its historic buildings, ornate doors, and brick paths.

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A Tale of Tulle City
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

A Tale of Tulle City

If you follow my work at all, you’ve seen that I’ve been slightly obsessed with tulle lately. So it shouldn’t surprise you that I outfitted Kynya in a tulle ASOS dress but brought yards of additional fabric so that we could play.

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This is 13.
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

This is 13.

This Oklahoma beauty and her mom came to Kansas City for a soccer tournament this weekend, and sometime between Addison scoring four goals in four games, I was able to snap a few pictures.

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Out of the Shadows
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

Out of the Shadows

But it dawned on me yesterday that perhaps my use of heavy shadows and pockets of light comes from my love of the corner — of wanting to sink into my surroundings.

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The Sham of Perfection
Liz Davenport Liz Davenport

The Sham of Perfection

I have come to the conclusion that I am a photographer who likes to come home wet, or dirty, or drenched in sweat — or some heavenly combination of all three. It’s important to note, my clients usually leave the session the same way. But I’ve found that when hair styles come undone, whether it’s through rain, or wind, or tiny hands; and when dresses and shirts cling from water or sweat, something magical happens.

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