Sunshine and Shadows Photography

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Photos as Time Capsules


I don’t specialize in one photography genre (meaning I shoot families, couples, seniors and portraits), and because of that, I have the rare opportunity to reflect back on my own journey through the lives of my clients.

Nine years ago, my husband and I lived less than a mile from this client’s Kansas City home, and we too had a new baby boy. Basically, we were a way-less-put-together version of this gorgeous little family.

At the time, it seemed like it would be impossible to forget all of those tiny moments that make up a baby’s first year: the smiles, the laughs, the “mammas” and the “daddas,” and each and every step or crawl.

But nine years later, those memories are smudged together to create a blurred picture of chaotic happiness and sleep deprivation.

But the details are missing.

That’s why photos are important.

And for the record, I mean the kind of photograph that you put in an album. The kind that you can grab and feel. The kind that outlasts hard drive crashes and phone upgrades.

Whether they’re your snaps or a professional photographer’s, they are small delicate time capsules that should be cherished.